Frequently Asked Questions
Are you Residential or Commercial Electricians?
The skills required to gain qualifications and certification in the NZ electrical industry are the same for commercial and residential. All of our team have vast experience in both commercial and residential plus more so we have you covered!
Why do your products cost more than online?
When you do online research you may discover there are products that are cheaper than what is quoted to you. The reason that our products cost more is that we use trusted brands, tested and proven that come with guarantees. We can stand behind our supplied products with a warranty and any repairs required.
Can you help with my Solar setup?
Whether you are using conventional power or are off the grid our technicians have knowledge and products that will best support your requirements. Talk to us today about any solar questions!
My speed test has been badly performing.
When it comes to connectivity speeds and provision we like to explain it using a Pie analogy.
If you imagine that your internet connection is like a whole pie. Each device that is trying to use the internet is having a slice of pie. Each new device that connects to the internet is able to have a portion of pie, this is maintained so each device gets the same size slice. If you are trying to test your speed the best time of day is when there is no other devices also using it, when nearly the whole pie is available to test.
Can my gear allow for hardwired devices?
Our rural internet access installations do have choices.
We have a wireless only option or the Wireless/Hardwired option.
Most households currently seem to only be utilising WiFi and dont have the need to plug your devices into the modem, If you can't recall which install you signed up for or are aware you need an upgrade please contact us to discuss the new/other options.
Where are my recordings being stored?
Our security/CCTV installations come with a network video recorder (NVR) and installed hard drive. This is where your raw data is recorded. This footage can be viewed on a computer program/application either on a network connected device or on a remote device, speak with us about implementation or training.
How long is my recording held?
This is a difficult question to answer as there are a lot of variances that need to be taken into account. If you are thinking of installing or have already got a system your recording duration is based on the following conditions:
1. Size of Hard drive (you can only store up to that size)
2. The amount of cameras you have connected
3. The quality at which you are recording (low quality = longer timeframe vs high quality = shorter timeframe)
If you have standalone cameras with SD cards, our most popular option records motion detect for 1-2 weeks without overwriting footage.
Contact us if you want to discuss upgrading your storage.